

Thursday, February 14, 2013

January 8, 2013 Library Board Meeting Minutes

Lincoln Carnegie Library Board of Trustees
January 8, 2013

Members Present:  Anne Grace, Pat Florence, Jerry Philbrick, Kathy Moss,
                                 Terry Broberg, Lynne Metz
Librarians:  Nancy Jensen, Mary Andersen

Anne Grace called the meeting to order.  Jerry moved to approve the December minutes.  Kathy seconded the motion.  The motion carried.

Librarians’ Reports:
     Nancy submitted the annual financial report for 2012.  She noted the remaining money in the City Fund is $8,064.60.  She usually carries over $4500 into the next year.  The auditor for the City of Lincoln conducts an annual review usually during the summer months.  She presented the December monthly report, the 2013 proposed budget and the 2012 annual report for the Lincoln City Council and the bills to be approved. 
     B&K checked the elevator since he was in the area.  If the humidity is high, it interferes with the mechanism.  Nancy will request that B&K include an annual inspection/maintenance agreement.
     Nancy requested approval for QuikBooks for 2013 software for payroll. 
     There has been a large increase in inter-library loans this past year due to a change in policy that allows brand new books to be included. 
     Nancy submitted her resignation effective February 7 and excused herself from the meeting.
     Children’s Librarian Mary submitted a written report.  The full report is attached.  All the new books for 2012 have arrived and have been sent to CKLS for processing.  The new movies are being put in the computer.  Mary plans to coordinate a work day to re-label the children’s books with volunteer help.  Story time will begin January 10 and run until mid-April.  Mary expressed concern about Nancy’s resignation, praised her efficiency and suggested that both positions require more “at-home” working hours than is reasonable. 
Old Business:
     Anne reported that the window blind samples weren’t sent to her from Ellenz.  Pat will recall the business. 
     Kathy Moss reported on the November 9 trustee training workshop.

New Business:
     Jerry moved to approve the January bills.  Kathy seconded the motion.  Motion carried.
     Terry moved to approve the 2013 budget.  Lynne seconded the motion.  Motion carried.
     Terry donated a Time book on Abraham Lincoln to the library. 
     A memorial was received in memory of Don Newman, Terry Broberg’s father.  A thank you was read from the family. 
     Terry presented examples of a mission statement.  These will be examined at a later meeting.
     The policy manual doesn’t include the e-readers.  This will be addressed at a later meeting.
     Anne composed an advertisement for a Director of the library. The ad will run for two weeks.  Applications may be picked up at the front desk and must be submitted by January 25.  The board will review applications on Tuesday, January 29 at 5pm. 
     Terry moved to approve increasing Mary’s hours to 22 hours/week instead of 17 hours/week.  Kathy seconded the motion.  Motion carried.
      Kathy moved to adjourn.  Jerry seconded the motion.    Meeting is adjourned.  The regular monthly meeting will be February 12, 2013 at 5pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lynne Metz, secretary