Present: Karen Jeffers, Patrisha Street,
Terry Broberg, Sharon Luck, Sunnie McBride, Lynne Metz
Present: Nancy Jensen, Mary Andersen
Karen opened
the meeting in the absence of Kathy Moss.
Sharon moved to accept the May 10 minutes. Lynne seconded the motion. The minutes are accepted.
Mary gave
her report on the Children’s Library activities. There are 74+ children signed
up for the summer reading program. 27
children came to the Thursday morning special program. Rolling Hills rescheduled for Tuesday, June
21st, due to a change of schedule.
LEAP came with 19 LES students and were allowed to choose the activity
they wanted for the hour. 14 TAB members
and 2 guests came to the outdoor movie.
Sunnie was popcorn maker/chaperone once again. Four seniors are going off the board and four
teens have signed up for the coming year.
They will be sponsoring the Family Fun Day at the park on June 30.
reported the following: Workers Comp
Insurance has increased from $279 to $800.
The company now has a $500 base fee plus the normal fee. He is looking
to see if he can find a better plan for next year. FLCL has purchased a subscription to Book
Page, which includes 50 copies/month for patrons. Seven people came into the library during the
Alumni Weekend and were given out bags with Library information. Advantage Company has the Lincoln newspaper
microfilmed up to the end of 2015. The
cost will be $350 and she asked for a copy.
FLCL paid for the last roll of microfilm in September, 2011, and
hopefully when they meet in September they will reimburse us the cost. The Fire Extinguisher Inspection didn’t find
any problems. He did move one of the
four into the new part of the building.
The City Auditor examined our books.
The Spring newsletter went out to 611 patrons on May 18. CKLS is offering to come and do a library
evaluation and provide suggestions on how to improve the library. Nancy handed out the updated version of board
members information. I would like to ask FLCL for outdoor trash cans and an
electric pencil sharpener. Terry
volunteered to go to the Friends meeting in September and request the above. The Teen Summer Program is going well with
scavenger hunts being popular with the jr high boys.
There was no
old business or new business. Sunnie
moved to pay the bills with Sharon adding the second. The bills will be paid. The next meeting will be July 12, 2016.
Lynne Metz,