June 12, 2014
Members Present:
Kathy Moss, Karen Jeffers, Patricia
Street , Jerry Philbrick, Terry Broberg, Lynne Metz
Librarians Present:
Nancy Jensen, Mary Andersen
President Kathy Moss called
the meeting to order. Karen moved to
accept the May 8, 2014 minutes. Terry
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Children’s Librarian Mary
presented the Children’s Department report.
87 children signed up for the Summer Library Program (SLP). There were about 30 kids at the first program
(Bubble Trouble) and 45 at today’s program (Eye Spy). Nine children watched the first movie,
Frozen. The State Library is offering a
$120 grant to purchase paperback Scholastic books to give away to
children. To receive the grant we must
order at least $150 worth of books, submit the invoice to the State and they
will reimburse the $120. Mary ordered
110 books for $209 (81cents/book). Our
cost will be $89. The balance will come from the FLCL book sale. She will distribute the books during the SLP.
Children who would not be able to check out books otherwise, can use these
books to participate in the SLP. Mary
asked Anita Wirth and her daughters to help select books with the Libri Grant
Unfinished Business:
The application for the Video
Gaming Grant offered by CKLS is due June 13.
Mr Naase and Mr. Kirkendall conducted a survey of 79 high school
students regarding participation in video games at the library. 32% said they would support it, 20% said no,
thank you, and 48% said maybe they would try it. The $450 grant would cover an Xbox with
controllers and additional controllers.
The games range in price from $20-$55 and some are available from the
book van. Lynne moved to send in the
application for the Video Gaming Grant and Trish seconded the motion. Motion carried. Discussion on how to set up times of games,
possibility of adult times, etc will follow at the next meeting. Nancy
presented Randy and Janet Suelter the new weekly/monthly/annual cleaning
schedule. The Suelters provide all the
cleaning agents and clean twice a week for $300/month. They felt like some of the requirements were
unreasonable (clean windows in furnace room, etc). They requested a larger trash can (already
purchased) in the meeting room and a microfiber mop (which they will buy and we
will reimburse)and wanted to know how to dust the limestone walls. They said that some of the items on the list
were things that they hadn’t thought of on their own. The sinks and water fountains are much
improved. Kathy will donate a cleaning
device for the limestone. The new front
door has developed cracks in the bottom panel that actually let in light since
the weather has been so dry. Terry will
contact the door’s manufacturer about the problem.
New Business:
Jerry moved to approve this
month’s bills. Karen seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
New officers will have to
sign signature cards at the banks. All
have to sign new cards at the Citizens State Bank and Karen will also have to
sign at the Bank of Tescott.
The CKLS Maintenance
Checklist for Public Libraries/Exterior was examined to determine who is
responsible for regular maintenance of the building. The Safety and Safety
Equipment portion will be discussed at the next meeting. Nancy
handed out new Policy Handbook sheets Part 1 and 2. The only change is that the number for a
quorum has been changed from 4 to 5 persons.
Jerry moved to adjourn the meeting.
Lynne seconded. The meeting is adjourned
and the next meeting will be on July 10, 2014.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynne Metz, Secretary