

Monday, August 11, 2014

June 12, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

Lincoln Carnegie Library Board of Trustees
June 12, 2014

Members Present:  Kathy Moss, Karen Jeffers, Patricia Street, Jerry Philbrick, Terry Broberg, Lynne Metz
Librarians Present:  Nancy Jensen, Mary Andersen

President Kathy Moss called the meeting to order.  Karen moved to accept the May 8, 2014 minutes.  Terry seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Children’s Librarian Mary presented the Children’s Department report.  87 children signed up for the Summer Library Program (SLP).  There were about 30 kids at the first program (Bubble Trouble) and 45 at today’s program (Eye Spy).  Nine children watched the first movie, Frozen.  The State Library is offering a $120 grant to purchase paperback Scholastic books to give away to children.  To receive the grant we must order at least $150 worth of books, submit the invoice to the State and they will reimburse the $120.  Mary ordered 110 books for $209 (81cents/book).  Our cost will be $89. The balance will come from the FLCL book sale.  She will distribute the books during the SLP. Children who would not be able to check out books otherwise, can use these books to participate in the SLP.  Mary asked Anita Wirth and her daughters to help select books with the Libri Grant money. 
Nancy reported that she attended the CKLS Spring Forward workshops in Salina in May.  Items covered were Patron Privacy and Confidentiality, Copyright Laws, Scanning Project, Zinio Digital magazines and the 2015 System Plan. Regarding Privacy, law enforcement is required to submit a subpoena for information on who is using our computers.  CKLS has purchased two large scanners that can be loaned to local libraries to scan historical documents with the intent to place these in the Kansas website.  Training by CKLS personnel of volunteers is mandatory before this is open to the general public.  There is no charge for this service.  The 2015 System Plan includes the hiring of a new consultant to work with school librarians and an $800 increase in the annual System Grant for each local library.  Pete Falcon has agreed to recoat the wood floor in the children’s section.  Luann Howell has retextured and repainted the wall behind the digital sign.  The FLCL Anna Wait re-enactment was well received by 19 people.  The FLCL book sale only raised $52.  The Summer Library Program (SLP) was outlined in the May newsletter.  CKLS will provide money for the treats served at their meeting in Lincoln.  Kathy, Karen and Lynne offered to donate what they brought and not bill CKLS.  The Teen and Adult SLP started June 2 and will run through July 12.  The Teen program includes “guessing jars”, make and take crafts and “find Sheldon” contest.  Each book they check out includes an entry form which goes into the drawing for Finch Theatre tickets.  The Adults portion includes a weekly drawing for gift baskets.

Unfinished  Business:
The application for the Video Gaming Grant offered by CKLS is due June 13.  Mr Naase and Mr. Kirkendall conducted a survey of 79 high school students regarding participation in video games at the library.  32% said they would support it, 20% said no, thank you, and 48% said maybe they would try it.  The $450 grant would cover an Xbox with controllers and additional controllers.  The games range in price from $20-$55 and some are available from the book van.  Lynne moved to send in the application for the Video Gaming Grant and Trish seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  Discussion on how to set up times of games, possibility of adult times, etc will follow at the next meeting.  Nancy presented Randy and Janet Suelter the new weekly/monthly/annual cleaning schedule.  The Suelters provide all the cleaning agents and clean twice a week for $300/month.  They felt like some of the requirements were unreasonable (clean windows in furnace room, etc).  They requested a larger trash can (already purchased) in the meeting room and a microfiber mop (which they will buy and we will reimburse)and wanted to know how to dust the limestone walls.  They said that some of the items on the list were things that they hadn’t thought of on their own.  The sinks and water fountains are much improved.  Kathy will donate a cleaning device for the limestone.  The new front door has developed cracks in the bottom panel that actually let in light since the weather has been so dry.  Terry will contact the door’s manufacturer about the problem. 

New Business:
Jerry moved to approve this month’s bills. Karen seconded the motion.  Motion carried.
New officers will have to sign signature cards at the banks.  All have to sign new cards at the Citizens State Bank and Karen will also have to sign at the Bank of Tescott.
The CKLS Maintenance Checklist for Public Libraries/Exterior was examined to determine who is responsible for regular maintenance of the building. The Safety and Safety Equipment portion will be discussed at the next meeting.  Nancy handed out new Policy Handbook sheets Part 1 and 2.  The only change is that the number for a quorum has been changed from 4 to 5 persons.
Jerry moved to adjourn the meeting. Lynne seconded.  The meeting is adjourned and the next meeting will be on July 10, 2014. 

 Respectfully submitted,
Lynne Metz, Secretary

May 8, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

MAY 8, 2014

Members Present:  Kathy Moss, Karen Jeffers, Jerry Philbrick, Patrisha Street.
Terry Broberg, Lynne Metz
Librarians Present:  Nancy Jensen, Mary Andersen

Vice President Kathy Moss opened the meeting in the absence of Anne Grace. 
Karen moved to accept the April 10, 2014 minutes.  Jerry seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved as written.

Mary reported that May 9 will be the last day for LEAP students to come to the library.  Attendance has decreased but the principal assured her that the children are always eager to come to the library and attributes the decrease to end of school activities.  The puppeteer, Kevin Horner, scheduled at the grade school on May 21 will highlight the Summer Reading Program and is open to the public.  Sign up for the Summer Library Program with a science theme will begin on the same date.  Chelsey Wineinger, KSU senior in education, will lead the first two programs in June. 

Nancy reported purchasing the new light fixture shade. The April newsletter was emailed to 447 patrons.  Computer issues with printers and internet disruptions continue to be a headache.  AT&T and CKLS techs have worked on the problem and while the carpet was being cleaned Nancy had the time to get printers to work.  There is still some internet fluctuation but for short periods. The new computer from CKLS will be here by June 1.  This one (Computer #1) will replace the old computer #1 which was turned into the microfilm reader. This is the 3rd and last year that CKLS will provide a free computer. She is asking for a new monitor (about $100) from CKLS.  We will need to buy a new key board, mouse and software costing  about $100.   The Teen and Adult Summer Library Program will run June 2 through July 12.  CKLS is holding four trustee meetings on “How to be a Good Trustee” in June. Anyone who is interested should contact Nancy.
FLCL is sponsoring the Anna Wait presentation May 9, the book sale May 17 and the genealogy workshop May 31. Nancy will attend the Spring Forward Workshop in Salina May 13 and 14 and hopes to get more information on the video gaming grants and scanners for historical pictures.

Jerry moved we go into executive session at for 5:32 for 10 minutes.  Lynne seconded.    The meeting resumed at 5:42.

Committee reports: 
Terry reported that the kick plates are installed on the new doors and the seal is adjusted so no light comes through.  Keith Naegele repaired the cracks above the west entrance with new mortar to comply with the historical preservation guidelines.
The building really looked great with the new doors, the repaired mortar, the newly cleaned carpet and the freshly resurfaced wood flooring all in time for the 100th birthday party.

Lynne thanked Mary for the 100 pictures for the digital display from community business people and the “100 years of books and toys display.”  Mary thanked Nancy for providing her the time to do this.  This promoted the library throughout the community.  The anniversary was well attended with about 80 people.

Unfinished Business:  When the janitors were hired, there was no detailed written job description.  Nancy and Mary have written a job description with Terry’s help that outlines weekly/monthly/biannual cleaning jobs.  Since areas are being missed at the present time, Nancy will talk to the present janitors and see if they are willing to comply with the new job description at the same salary.  Lynne moved to approve the new mortar work on the front of the building.  Karen seconded.  The motion carried.

New Business:  Nancy presented the bills to approve and added $980 to Keith Naegele for stone repair and $40 to Dennis Cross for installing the digital display.  Lynne moved to pay the bills.  Karen seconded the motion. The motion carried.  CKLS Executive meeting will be held in Lincoln on the afternoon of June 11.  Following lunch at the Sunrise CafĂ©, the meeting will be held at the library’s meeting room.  Karen and Kathy volunteered to bring cookies and Lynne will make tea.  The election of officers followed:  Kathy Moss - president, Karen Jeffers - vice president, Lynne Metz - secretary, Jerry Philbrick - treasurer. The Kansas Attorney General has changed the number needed for a quorum from 4 to 5 persons.  Lynne moved to change our policy to comply.  Jerry seconded.  The motion carried. The state library is offering a $450 grant to every library to purchase video gaming equipment with the idea of drawing more teens to the library.  Discussion followed and Nancy was asked to apply for the grant.  After more thought, the board will decide how to use it. Terry brought to our attention the maintenance checklist for public libraries that we received earlier this year.  The purpose is to designate who is responsible for regular maintenance and/or materials and equipment.  This is a very detailed document that will help us to maintain our library.

Jerry moved to adjourn the meeting.  Karen seconded. The meting was adjourned.  The next meeting will be June 12.

Respectfully submitted,
Lynne Metz, secretary

April 10, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

APRIL 10, 2014

Members Present:  Anne Grace, Kathy Moss, Jerry Philbrick, Patrisha Street, Terry Broberg, Lynne Metz
Librarians Present:  Nancy Jensen, Mary Andersen

President Anne called the meeting to order.  Kathy moved to approve the March minutes.  Jerry seconded the motion and the motion carried.  Anne remarked that officers will be elected at the May meeting.

Children’s library report given by Mary included the following:
     Mary visited local businesses in regard to getting photos of each business’s employees reading in preparation for the digital signage and paper signage advertising the anniversary.  After the anniversary, the signs can easily be changed to promote the Summer Library Program. Chelsea Wineinger will help with the summer program’s science programs.  Anyone who has old classic books and/or toys for display is asked to bring them to the library.  Mary is also looking for any “science/lab equipment” and “crazy scientist” type wig. The ventriloquist, Kevin Horner, will be performing at LES on the last day of school to kick off the Summer Library Program. 
     Nancy reported that the digital sign is up and running.  FLCL was here to help clean up the flower beds.  Pete Falcon completed the refinishing of the wood floor and waxing of the tile floors.  There are a couple of areas that need extra attention and Nancy will contact Pete in regard to this. CKLS is looking for a representative from our library to serve on the executive committee.
     Patrisha reported for the FLCL committee that the advertisements are being distributed, an ad is at the Finch Theatre, and the invitations will be mailed April 14.  FLCL has set May 17 for the used book sale. All board members are asked to attend the 10th anniversary open house, May 4.

Old business:  The new doors look wonderful, and the kick plates will be installed soon.  The librarians have noticed a small space at the top of the door which is letting in light.  Terry will talk to the installers.  

New business:  Anne signed the voting Proxy that allows Nancy to represent our board and vote at CKLS’s spring meeting.  A light fixture was damaged during the floor refinishing.  Nancy will check into a replacement.  Terry is still contacting a company regarding the cleaning of the carpets.  Pete submitted a bill of $995 for the floor resurfacing.  The consensus was to pay the bill with a note asking him to redo a small area.  Jerry moved to pay the bills.  Kathy seconded the motion.  Motion carried to pay the current bills.
  Jerry moved to adjourn the meeting.  Kathy seconded the motion.  The next meeting will be Thursday, May 8.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Metz, secretary