JANUARY 9, 2014
MEMBERS: Kathy Moss,
Patrisha Street ,
Karen Jeffers, Terry Broberg,
Lynne Metz
NANCY Jensen, Mary Andersen
The meeting was opened by Kathy Moss. Lynne moved to amend the December minutes to
read “the next meeting will be Thursday, January 9, at 5:00 pm.” Terry seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Librarian Mary Andersen reported that
story time will resume February 6. She
visited with LES Principal Koch and learned that there is more money available
for the library to use for the LEAP program.
Mary has spent $582.67 of the 2013 allotment of $625 for crafts. The theme for the Summer Reading Program is
Fizz Boom Read, a science theme.
Scheduled work days for
processing/cleaning, relabeling books are: January 18 (10-4), January 23
(11-6), January 30 (11-6), and February 1 (10-4).
Librarian Nancy Jensen handed out the
amended Employee Policy pages. The monthly movies will begin on Wednesday,
January 15, and the following 3rd Wednesdays of the month. The
vacuum sweepers need new agitator brushes, belts and filters. Another table for the meeting room would be
nice to have when large groups use the room.
She would like to ask the FLCL to donate another table, since they
donated the others. Kathy volunteered to
contact the FLCL with the request.
Chris Ripple at CKLS sent information
regarding allowing board members from outside the city limits. CKLS does not recommend adding board members
that live outside the city limits because they do not represent people paying
the taxes supporting the library. They also recommend that we have no more than
two members living outside the city limits and to set a definite area that they
live in. To change the present rule the
library has to pass a charter resolution and present it to the city council for
their consideration. Nancy
presented the annual reports for CKLS and the city of Lincoln and the 2014 budget. A nice amount of money has been received in
memory of Don Meili.
It was agreed to place the order for 50
book bags with navy trim and the #1 logo for the anniversary celebration. We agreed to purchase new attachments for the
vacuum cleaners. The new microfilm machine is in use and both librarians are
trained to use it. It was discussed to
e-mail other libraries in the area with the offer of our old machine. Pete Falcon has not submitted a bid to redo
the damaged wood floor areas. Kathy will
contact him. Terry Broberg received a
$2000.00 grant from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation to be used for the west door
renovation. Work on the doors is
proceeding and should be finished in February.
would still like input from board members about janitor duties.
New Business:
The next meeting will be February 13, 2014
at 5:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynne Metz, secretary