

Monday, October 19, 2015

July 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

JULY 14, 2015

Members Present:  Kathy Moss, Patrisha Street, Karen Jeffers, Terry Broberg, Lynne Metz
Librarians Present:  Nancy Jensen
Kathy opened the meeting.  Patrisha moved that the June 9 minutes be approved.  Terry seconded the motion.  The motion carried. 
The Children’s Department report was summarized.  There was excellent attendance (132) for the summer library program which will end July 31.  Over 50 kids attended the final program at the park which recognized our hometown heroes (police, fire and ambulance personnel).  $575 was raised from local businesses in cash donations and prizes and all thank you notes have been sent.  The Teen Advisory board has been very helpful and have decided to enter the Post Rock Festival with a Cupcake Wars event.  They will meet every other month and will elect officers on August 10 and have decided to keep the number of members on the board to a maximum of 25.  Mary would like to change the afterschool LEAP program to twice a month instead of every week. 
Nancy presented her report.  The Adult and Teen summer program has seen 36 teens and 45 adults and the “ blind date with a book” idea went over very well. The toilet was filling slowly, but Mr. Hayworth fixed it.  Nancy has been looking for a special way to use the $980 memorial for Don Meili.  One idea is a mobile pyramid book display that would be replace the bookshelves at the doorway. She presented a Materials Donation Policy after researching other libraries policies.  People often want to drop off old, unusable books to clean out a house, etc.  This policy designates that books, DVDs, audio books and video games will be accepted with the understanding that the library assumes the right of disposal and/or use and nothing would be returned to the donor.  She would like to be relieved of the watering duties, as some areas are flooding and others are not getting water . 
Nancy presented the Policy Changes covering Library Cards and Overdue Items.  Children, 10-13 can get a Juvenile Library Card with a parent’s signature, but may only check out one book or DVD at a time, no games. Teens, 14 yrs, can get an adult library card with photo ID.  New Patrons will have a probation period of 4 months.  The Overdue Policy includes:  e-mail or mail overdue notices sent at 1 and 2 weeks without any penalty.  At 3 weeks the account will be suspended and the patron cannot renew the item. At 4 weeks overdue, the account is suspended and the only way to be reinstated is to return all of the items or pay for them. At 8 weeks overdue, we consider the items to be lost and must be paid for and your account will be permanently restricted.  Patrons will be charged for lost and damaged items as written in the policy. Karen moved to accept the Policy changes regarding Library Cards and Handling Overdue Items.  Terry seconded the motion.  The motion carried.

Lynne moved to approve the monthly bills. Karen seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  Lynne moved to accept the Materials Donation Policy.  Patrisha seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  No action was taken on the Mobile Pyramid Book Display.  Nancy brought up that the watering of the landscaping was becoming a problem since the hoses weren’t working efficiently.  Terry suggested talking to Mindy Lewick about suggestions or possibly taking over the job and asking FLCL to finance the pay.  The stone work is not quite completed and Terry will call the mason to finish the project.  In regard to the LEAP program, all agreed that twice a month was fine instead of every week.
The Board policy regarding attendance was reviewed:  any board member missing two consecutive meetings without an acceptable reason will be considered uninterested in Board matters and will be expected to resign.  Attendance is important since we need a quorum of 5 to conduct business, but all have outside obligations that may conflict.  No change was made to the policy.
Patrisha moved to adjourn the meeting.  Karen seconded the motion.  The meeting is adjourned until August 11 at 5:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Metz, secretary