

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

October 9, 2014 Board Meeting

Lincoln Carnegie Library Board of Trustees
October 9, 2014

Members Present:  Kathy Moss, Terry Broberg, Jerry Philbrick, Lynne Metz, (Karen Jeffers)
Librarians Present:  Nancy Jensen, Mary Andersen

Kathy opened the meeting with four members present.  Karen, who was caring for her sick mother, was called to come vote for paying the bills since a quorum wasn’t present.  Lynne moved to pay the monthly bills and Jerry second the motion.  The motion carried.  Karen left the meeting.
Children’s librarian Mary’s report states:
“This month we had 7 children’s programs with an attendance of 241.  Planning and setting up for story time and LEAP take quite a bit of time.  In addition, the children’s librarian is responsible for selecting, purchasing, cataloguing and weeding children’s books.  I also help out at the front desk on Wednesdays and Thursdays and am here by myself every other Friday and Saturday morning and every Friday afternoon.  Depending on how many people visit the library, some days it is a little hard to get anything done.  This year we had over 100 kids signed-up for the summer Reading Program; 407 people attended 9 programs in June; and 409 crafts were made at the library.  Summer LEAP brought in about 70 additional kids during the month of July.  I worked extra hours during the spring and summer and now to keep below 999 hours (I do not receive KPERS), I will have to cut back to 15 hours per week.  (I usually work 17 hours/week.) I would like for the board to consider adding more hours to the children’s librarian position for the coming year.  I have not wanted to do this in the past due to the fact that this will make the position a KPERS position and my take home pay will be less.  I am hoping that 1,200 hrs/year (averaging 23hrs/week) will be enough.  If things slow down or change, I would only be required by KPERS to work 1,000+ hours. I would also like the board to consider the monetary value of the children’s librarian position.  I started at the minimum wage of $7.00 per hour and after two years in the position I am currently making $7.25 per hour.  At one time I was worried about taking in too much income and losing benefits through my husband’s work.  The State of Kansas froze h is wages and he has not received a raise in over five years, so this is no longer a problem.  There are many aspects to the children’s librarian position that make it more than a minimum wage job.  Planning, purchasing, scheduling and budgeting are very important.  There is also fund raising, writing grants, marketing and community out-reach.  I truly love my job and enjoy working with the children.  I am proud of my position and of the improvements that have been made to the children’s section of the library.  If you have any questions or concerns or if you would like more information about the duties of the children’s librarian, please give me a call or send me an e-mail.  Thank you for your consideration, Mary”
Library Director Nancy’s Report states:
I called B&K Access and talked to them about their service contract and our concerns over the bill we paid last month.  Their service contract is $150 per  service call.  They agreed to do their annual inspection in September 2015.  The copier is still being serviced.  CKLS tech erased the hard drive and reinstalled  programs on computer 2 and this seems to have fixed the problems. E-Rate Solutions sent out information that the federal e-rate program is moving towards funding only internet access, not phone. For 2014-2015 our discount rate will be 80%, 2015-12016 60%, 2016-2017 40%.  E-rate has been a really nice savings on our phone bill.  The Countywide Strategic Planning Session is on Wednesday, October 15 from 6-9pm.  Additions to Policy Handbook:  CKLS is requiring that the following topics be covered in our policy handbook:  Intellectual Freedom, Budget and Finance, Equipment Use and Capital Improvements.  Street Plumbing, Heating & Electric did the furnace checkup.  Nancy and Mary went to a CKLS Technology workshop including making book trailers, gaming at the library, computer classes for Seniors and how to make the library mobile friendly.  The Disaster Preparedness Program given by the Extension Office hosted 10 people.  They are interested in doing other programs, but want ideas.  Game Day is Monday, October 13 from 2 to 5pm (school is out).  Hopefully most of the board members will come and bring friends. 
Regarding the limestone repair, Terry reported that the Dane Hansen grant request for $1375 resulted in a grant of $1000.  She has applied to the Post Rock Foundation to pay $580 for the stone and G.L. Hewitt for $2500.  FLCL donated $1500 and the city of Lincoln pledged $1000.  The west door is still a work in progress. 

The meeting was adjourned.  The next meeting will be November 13. 
Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Metz, Secretary