Lincoln Carnegie Library Board of
September 11, 2014
Present: Kathy Moss, Karen Jeffers,
Jerry Philbrick, Terry Broberg, Patrisha Street
Present: Nancy Jensen, Mary Andersen
Kathy called
the meeting to order. Terry moved to accept the minutes from August, 2014. Patrisha seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Children’s Department report included the following: Story Time resumed September 4th
with 11 kids and 6 adults attending.
LEAP after school kids will start coming on Friday, September 12th. Mr. Koch, grade school principal, said about
60 students had signed up for Friday afternoons. Libri Grant books have been received: 63 new books and 19 bonus Math and Science books. The LIBRI foundation requests a thank you
letter-news release be sent to them.
Mary will also be taking pictures to send. All the books have been processed and are on
the shelves. Patty Collins, CKLS Youth
Services Department representative, helped Mary with weeding the non-fiction
reported that Wednesday, September 24 at 7pm, Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension
Agent, is scheduled to give a program on disaster preparedness at the
library. They are needing ten people to
attend and Nancy hopes that board members will attend. Game Day/Night was
discussed with expense projection. Karen
moved to have Game Day. Jerry seconded
the motion. Motion passed. It was decided not to apply for a grant to
cover the expense of Game Day. Game Day
will be Monday, October 13th from 2pm-5pm. Nancy made up a very nice flyer for each of
the board members. The operating hours
sign is up in front of the library. World
Pest did their annual treatment. Key
Office was called as the copier was having problems. The repairman came out and parts were
ordered. Since we have a service
contract with Key Office, there is no charge for this repair. There are ongoing problems with the
elevator: service calls needed in February and August.
The service man thought the auxiliary switch might be the problem.
Nancy will
call B&K Access to inquire about the reliability of the repairman and the
cost of the auxiliary switch (repairman charges $1.25/mile for 95 mile
trip. Jerry volunteered to call Mitch
Kobbeman to see how the high rise elevator problems are handled. We do not have a service contract ($1000/yr).
The Garage
sale was discussed and Kathy made the motion to not participate this year.
Jerry seconded the motion. Motion
carried. The West door panels were
installed but are still not right. The
doors will be taken out for a few days and Kelly will make things right at no
additional cost.
Terry called
for an executive session for 15 minutes at 5:30 pm. The board came out of executive session at
5:45 pm.
limestone repair bids were given to each board member. Keith Naegele has submitted a base bid of
$5450.00. Replacing two pieces of stone
on the north side of the library for labor, equipment and material for
$1640.00, cost of two pieces of limestone $580.00: total project $7670.00. Terry has applied to several sources for
funding. City of Lincoln Center voted to
spend $1000.00 on project.
Terry asked
how the librarians thought the janitors were doing. They both said when the check-off sheet was
implemented the service was improved, but has slackened off recently. Ways were discussed on showing our
appreciation to them. We cannot legally
give them a gift as they are contract workers.
It was decided to ask for the bathroom to be cleaned thoroughly each
time they are here, rather than once a week.
Karen moved
to approve the pending bills. Jerry
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jerry moved
to adjourn. Patrisha seconded. Motion carried. The next meeting will be Thursday, October 9
at 5pm.