

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

November 14, 2013 Library Board Meeting

Lincoln Carnegie Library Board of Trustees
November 14, 2013

Members Present:  Kathy Moss, Karen Jeffers, Jerry Philbrick,   Patrisha Street, Terry Broberg, Lynne Metz
Librarians:  Nancy Jensen, Mary Andersen

     The meeting was called to order by vice president, Kathy Moss. 
FLCL representatives Evelyn Schroeder and Deb Ortiz presented ideas for the 100th anniversary in May.  They emphasized that FLCL’s goal is to be an active support of the library.  FLCL, with a membership of 56 persons, meets in the months of January, March, May, September and November.  At the present their treasury is about $7,000. They purchased three wheeled carts for the library for patron’s use.  Other ideas for the anniversary are bookmarks and mugs to be given as a thank you for large donations. Pat Florence is assembling a commemorative booklet for the event.  The genealogy workshop is scheduled May 31 and they have proposed a book sale in May. 
     The minutes of the October 10th meeting were read.  Karen moved to correct the minutes to read:  Kathy attended the WEB meeting instead of Anne Grace.  Jerry seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved as amended. 

     Mary reported that attendance at story time has gone from 20 to about 10 with the cold weather.  This is to be expected.  CKLS requires 20 programs each year in addition to the summer reading programs.  To date, we have had 36 story times.  There will be a Christmas Party on December 12th and no scheduled story times in January.  The Friday afternoon LEAP program is a success with about 60 students doing crafts and checking out books.  Mary has reorganized the children’s books, separating the oldies and classics from the new and popular books. Re-labeling and coding will begin again in January.  The turkey decorations in the meeting room aka story time room are clever and colorful. 
     Nancy reported that Marilyn Hellmer’s alumni tour stopped by on homecoming week-end.  The Great Bend CKLS technology conference, October 16th, included information about new technology, safe internet practices and some digital resources CKLS is considering.  Janice Gregg’s Adult scarf class held October 19th had 7 participants.  Anne Grace will teach an earring class December 7th.  We were closed on Veteran’s Day and will be closed on Thanksgiving Day.
The finish on the hardwood floors is wearing off especially around the floor mats.  She will remove the floor mats as they may be causing a reaction to the finish.  CKLS will meet in Lincoln November 20.  Last month we talked about dropping most of our magazine subscriptions.  Donations of magazines would be appreciated.
     Lynne reported that the library logo designed by Scott Holl is the property of the library and can be used on book bags, etc. 
     Terry painted the hand rails outside the building before the winter weather arrives. 
     The CKLS Trustee Training at Sylvan Grove was attended by Karen, Patrisha, Terry and Kathy.  The focus was on increasing activities/programs at the library.  The digital age of books will necessitate the library becoming more of a community center. 

Unfinished Business
       The WEB fund has approved $5000 for a new microfilm reader.  FLCL will provide $1750 and the library’s contingency fund will provide $2250.  We are waiting for a letter from G.L. Huyett regarding funding.  CKLS will be providing a new computer in March and we could possibly use computer #1 with the new reader.  Nancy will order the new microfilm reader. 

     Terry reported on the final specifications for the west door replacement from Chad Lettau of Kropf Lumber Inc, Hesston, KS.  See included report.  Jerry moved to purchase the door at $5193.33 with additional cost of hardware and closer ($657-$750) and labor from Jantz Carpentry of $4078.  Lynne seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  There is $10,000 remaining in the building fund. 
     Terry will contact Travis Schwertfeger about loose mortar in the building.  Jerry will contact Pete Falcon in regard to the wearing of the wood floor finish.

New Business
     Jerry moved to approve the bills. Patrisha seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  Policy Handbook Part IV will be reviewed at a later time.
Terry moved to adjourn.  Karen seconded the motion.  Meeting was adjourned.  Since Kathy will be unavailable for the regularly scheduled meeting Dec 12, it was decided to move the meeting to Tuesday, December 17 at 5pm. 

Respectfully submitted,

Lynne Metz, secretary