JULY 9, 2013
Members: Kathy Moss, Patrisha Street, Jerry Phillbrick, Karen
Jeffers, Lynne Metz, Terry Broberg
Librarian: Nancy Jensen
In the absence of
president Anne Grace, Kathy Moss opened the meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
librarian, Mary, was unable to attend due to family illness.
Nancy reported on the summer library
program: 23 teens and 43 adults have
participated with the program ending July 13.
The children’s summer program will continue through July so that LEAP
elementary children can participate. The
1st Wednesday afternoon adult movie was attended by 7 people. Citizens State Bank provided popcorn. July 17th the movie ARGO will be
shown. Discussion followed as to trying
an evening movie.
CKLS workshops
August 14
th will include programming and ebooks. The technology workshop on technology is
October 16 in
Great Bend. CKLS has signed an agreement with Overdrive
allowing all the libraries in CKLS to be part of the sunflower eLibrary
consortium. This will enable library
patrons to download audio books, ebooks and music with their Lincoln Carnegie
Library card. The website is There is a two week limit for each book,
July 13, Luanne
Howell will lead an Altered Books workshop and on August 7, Kathy Rippel will
teach a class on genealogy internet resources at the library.
The June/July
newsletter was sent to 420 patrons. The
annual audit is being conducted by the City auditor. Recycling needs to be picked up. Karen Jeffers volunteered to take care of
it. The sprinkler was apparently left on
July 4th. Water was found
running down the street and in the basement Friday morning. Lynne will check with Evelyn Schroeder to see
if a Friends member just left it on by mistake or if we had some vandalism
Nancy passed out
the 2014 System Plan which includes the following changes: Continuing Education money drops from
$1000/year to $750/year, annual Technology Plan is required, electronic copy of
our Policy Handbook to CKLS is required,
new $250 programming grant is available.
Some libraries
are eliminating overdue fines since it is not a deterrent and is not a good
source of revenue. The microfilm bid from Salina Blueprint for a new microfilm
machine is $8995. In addition we will
need a computer, tower, mouse and keyboard and a vertical monitor. FLCL has offered to purchase the computer and
monitor. Anne Grace will write a WEB
grant for ¾ of the price if we provide ¼ of the price ($2250). This could be accomplished with $1083.32 in
memorials, $763.59 in special accounts and $403.09 from the general contingent
A book entitled
Journeys, photography from around the world, was donated by Dr. Dale K. Cole, retired
physician. He is willing to come give a
photography workshop or talk about his travels.
Lynne volunteered to send a note of thanks.
The fax machine
is set up and working. Both banks charge
$2 for the first page and $1 for each additional page.
Business: Karen moved to proceed with
the WEB grant for the $8995 microfilm machine, including our ¼ part of
$2250. Patisha seconded the motion. Motion carried. Book bags were examined and their purchase
was tabled. Terry submitted a report on
the west doors. See attached update.
Business: Jerry moved to pay the monthly
bills. Lynne seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Lynne moved to set a fax fee of $2/first page and
$1/additional pages. Karen
seconded. Motion carried.
Jerry moved to
adjourn the meeting. Karen seconded the
motion. Meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be August 13.
Lynne Metz,